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How We Handle Your Dealer Mail
Logo of Post Office

We provide a Picture of Dealer Mail around the 15th of the month - additionally Dealers can request pictures of mail at anytime. 


Pick-Up Locations and Time

Riverside Durahart St.  7am to 9am M/W/F

Riverside 3rd Street  9am to 11am M/W/F

Grand Terrace 11am to 1pm M/W/F

San Bernardino Mill St. 7am to 9am Tue/Thurs

San Bernardino Baseline 1:30pm to 3:30 M/W/F

Rialto 170 N Arrowhead Ave 3:30 to 5:30 M/W/F

Rialto #2 3:30 to 5:30 M/W/F


Note: Dealer Mail Pick Up Request must be Text by 11am i.e. we need to Sort your mail from the Riverside Main location


DMV Dealer License
Used Car at Dealership
Pile of Cash
Dummy Tax Cartoon

Have you ever dreamed of flipping cars but never got around to it?

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